
Sunday, 14 September 2014

Winner of Blog Candy!!

Hello people...
Hope your sunday was awesome...
Its 14th and here are the results of the #blogcandy

The first winner for a GV of Rs.600 is Hussena Culcuttawalla, she is a good friend and a guide too.

And the second winner for a GV of Rs. 400 is Bharathi Jebamalar, She is one of my very early customer who trusts me a lot.

Thanks a lot girls, both of u truly deserve it. Congrats!!!
Kindly message me or mail me at

PS. The names were chosen @



  1. Congrats Hussena and Bharathi.. :)

  2. Ohhh ..thank you so much Sujana :) ..what a surprise this is!! I actually dropped in to tell you about the card holder and just saw this post :)..Well now I will email you the details together I guess :)

  3. Congrats Hussena and Bharathi ! HUssena is guide to not just you but me too and I guess many like us !
